Sunday 4 May 2014

Pokéball Nails

Gotta catch 'em all!!!

Growing up I was more a Dragon Ball Z and Yu-Gi-Oh girl rather than Pokemon but nevertheless I enjoyed a good dual. I've seen a few pokeball nail designs on Pintrest so thought I'd give them a go. It's also a good friends birthday and his obsession with Pokemon is inspiring... he can identify them by sound!

You will need:

Base coat - Essence studio nails 24/7

White polish - Face of Australia Cool Cotton
Red polish - Barry M Blood Orange
Black polish - Face of Australia Scream
Top coat - Face of Australia Aussie Night
Long thin nail art brush
Dotting tools

Start with a base coat and then paint them completely white

I'm not the most patient person so I'm trying out these OPI Drip Dry drops to speed up the drying process. They claim to make nails touch dry in 1 minute and totally dry in 5. Seems a tad ambitious but worth a try 

Once you are confident your nails are dry take some red polish on a long thin nail art brush and draw a line horizontally across the middle of your nail

Take a red polish and paint the lower half (cuticle side) of your nails

It's alright if the line isn't totes straight, we'll neaten them up next

Now clean up your long thin nail art brush and using black polish create a line across the red and white horizon. To achieve the straightest line possible lay the brush across your nail and slowly rotate the nail while carefully dragging the brush

Using your largest dotting tool, dip it in black polish and make a dot in the middle of each black line

Once dry take a smaller dotting tool in white and make a smaller dot in the middle of the larger black one

Leave them to dry, add a dazzling top coat and your are set.

I choose you!

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