Tuesday 13 May 2014

Bubble Nails

Bubble Bubble Bubble BUBBLES!!!

So much love for these nails right now! Super easy to do but look incredibly impressive!!!

You will need:

6 bright colours of your choices
Medium dotting tool
Base Coat - Essence 24/7 Studio Nails
Top Coat - Face of Australia Aussie Night

I used a selection of amazing Picture Polish colours including their Urban collection:

Peach polish - PicturePolish Totes
Periwinkle polish - PicturePolish Swagger
Turquoise polish - PicturePolish Instinct
Maroon polish - PicturePolish Bonkers
Coral Pink polish - PicturePolish Watermelon
Bright Green polish - PicturePolish Chillax

How sweet are these names seriously!!!

For this nail design you will need to pair your polishes. I used 6 colours so I alternated between three colour combos but go with whatever you are feeling

Start with a base coat and then paint your nails opaquely with alternating colours

From pinky to thumb mine went: Totes, Instinct, Watermelon, Totes, Instinct etc

Leave them to dry for a bit and then using the paired colour we are going to paint the top half of the nail on the diagonal.
Starting at the side of the nail about halfway paint across and up so the top of the nail is fully one colour and the bottom half the original colour.

Now give these finger tips a chance to dry

Lets get bubbling! I will be using a medium dotting tool but the head of a needle or bobby pin could also work

Working one nail at a time peeps!

On a piece of foil make a small puddle of the 2 colours you used for one nail

Using the opposite colour make a line of dots just to the side of where the 2 colours meet. Leave a space just smaller than the dot size in between each dot. I fit 3-4 dots along the first row. 

Keeping in line with first row add a second and possibly third row of dots going down the nail depending on your nail length

Now just repeat with the other colour on the other side making sure the first row of dots fall in between the other colour dots so they appear to be interlocking

Finish with a super shiny top coat and your nails will totes pop!!!

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