Friday 7 June 2013

Great Gatsby Nails

So my life has recently been taken over by both The Great Gatsby movie and its soundtrack

This obsession is close to getting out of hand so I couldn't resist creating a Gatsby inspired nail design

You will need:

Base Coat, 
Gold nail polish, Black nail polish, stripping tape, straw & Top Coat

Revlon Colourstay Base Coat, Barry M Gold Foil, Sally Hansen Black Out,
Revlon Quick Dry Top Coat

Start with a base coat and then 2 coats of a gold polish

I am absolutely loving the black and gold geometric theme pattern Gatsby is all about so I'm just going for and creating three different designs drawing inspiration from the opening titles.

When completely and utterly dry you can start taping out your designs on your desired nails. I am creating tape designs on my pinky, index and thumb nails. Carefully paint one coat of black polish over the entire nail.
Leave for about half a minute then delicately remove the tape... perhaps with tweezers!

 On my other 2 nails I am going to create a splatter design to sort of represent blood splatter... bang bang... not in a morbid way but just cause I reckon it looks cool and is pretty fun

So tape around your nails to make clean up easy

I decided to have one nail black with gold splatter and the other gold with black splatter - just to mix it up a bit ;)

Take your straw and cut in in half. Then dip the straw into the polish, hold it about 16 cm above your nail and then blow through the straw

*Hopefully no one who be this dumb but make sure you blow through the end of the straw WITHOUT polish all over it*

This can take a bit of practice - I screwed up many a nail before I got good at it: blow too hard and you'll over splatter, too soft and it looks like you were just careless

Bang Bang and you're done!

Use a q-tip and/or small brush dipped in nail polish remover to clean up your edges and cuticles then layer on the top coat for a great shine

 It's just my opinion... but I reckon they look great :)

And here is a quick shot of my right hand... same style mixed up 

oh and please ignore my middle finger nail, a horrific uni incident left it crippled... don't judge me.

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