Sunday 13 April 2014

Nail Suit Up!

Suits. Enough to make you swoon. Like damn. 
Get some jazzy tuxedos on your nails. Classic.

You will need:

Base coat - Essence 24/7 studio nails
White polish - Sally Hansen White On
Black polish with a little bit of sparkle - Sally Hansen Midnight in NY
Sparkly blue - Picture Polish Midnite Meteor 
Top Coat - Face of Australia Aussie Nights
Thin nail art brush
Small dotting tool

Start off with a base coat and then paint your nails an opaque white manicure

Dip your nail art brush in your black polish with a little bit of sparkle and draw 2 lines towards the free edge forming a point then fill in the sides of the lines to create the jacket

On your index finger instead of using black polish add some excitement and use a sparkly polish in your choice of colour

To create the fancy bow ties use your thin nail art brush to draw a small "X" near your cuticle
Cap off 2 opposite sides and fill them in 

Use a dotting tool or toothpick or bobby pin to makes 2 black buttons down the nail

Add a top coat and your nails are ready for the snazziest night out

 Baby you're class, baby you're sick.


  1. Love it ! And thanks for the tuto :) !
